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Annihilate Belly Fat with the help of Water

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Get rid of Belly Fat: The Role of Water
OVER THE PAST FEW months I've lost about 30 pounds – most of it was belly fat. And water consumption was one of several solutions to the problem of my obesity. I'd like to share what I've learned about water intake and it's role in cutting obesity and annihilating belly fat.
Water Deficiency Symptoms
There are a number of symptoms of water deficiency. Of course, there can be other causes and often multiple causes, but these are some that I've experienced before I started monitoring my water intake. I had all of the following symptoms at one time or another: rheumatoid arthritis, high blood pressure, muscle cramps, chapped lips, type-2 diabetes, high cholesterol, lower back pain, headaches, obesity, and BELLY FAT. I also experienced dryness of the skin, mouth, eyes, and hair. Since I've monitored my H2O intake, all of these

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