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Multiethnic Genome-Wide Meta-Analysis of Ectopic Fat Deposits

Gastric band Surgery In France Multiethnic Genome-Wide Meta-Analysis of Ectopic Fat Depots Identifies Loci Associated With Adipocyte Development and Differentiation. Figure 1 Functional characterization of Atxn1, Ebf1, Rreb1 and Ube2e2 (a,b,e) Data is displayed as box/whisker plots where the center line represents the median, box limits contain the 25th-75th percentiles, and whiskers span max/min values. (a) Gene expression measured by qPCR in murine subcutaneous (SAT), perigonadal visceral (VAT), and pericardial (PAT) adipose tissues (n=6 mice). Statistical significance was assessed using ANOVA and Sidak’s correction for multiple comparisons. (b) Gene expression measured by qPCR in murine adipose tissues after 8 weeks of high fat feeding compared to normal chow fed controls (n=5 mice per group). Statistical significance was assigned using a two-sided T-test. (c) Gene expression measured by qPCR in cultured adipocyte progenitors isolated from the subcutaneous (SAT) or perigonadal visceral (VAT) depots (n=4 replicates). Cells were expanded to confluence and then collected at intervals after induction of adipogenic differentiation. Data displayed as mean, error bar=s.e.m. Statistical significance was assessed using ANOVA and Sidak’s correction for multiple comparisons to time 0. (d) Oil-red-o staining of progenitors isolated from subcutaneous adipose and exposed to retroviral delivery of shRNA constructs during ex vivo expansion and induction of adipogenesis. Relative to control vector carrying a scramble sequence, shRNA constructs specific for Atxn1 and Ube2e2 impaired adipogenic differentiation. Scale=1mm. (e) Oil-red-o stain was alcohol extracted and quantified at OD520 (n=9 technical replicates). Statistical significance was assessed using ANOVA and Sidak’s correction for multiple comparisons to control (Scramble). Data representative of 3 independent experiments. For FREE No Obligation Information about the cost of Gastric Band Surgery in France Click here Or Click the Image Below to visit our Special offer Page to see if you Qualify for any Discounts Read more……>click Here< adjustable gastric band surgery is a stomach bands for weight loss and gastric surgery Read more... Read more…

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