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No Nonsense Guide to Weight Loss

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No Nonsense Guide to Weight Loss
There are more weight loss books than any other kind and most will lead to weight loss. The secret is to DO IT. No matter what you hear, it can happen if you use it. This simple, no nonsense, article will work if you just do it.
Killer Sugar
A Carbs – Good or Bad
A Portions
A Exercise
1. Sugar IS a killer. It is also sneaky as it shows up in the least expected places. The simple solution is Do Not Add It to Anything! There is enough sugar in everything you eat. Look at a box of cereal as an example. Most contain 15 or more grams of sugar. Read the labels and keep the sugar grams well below 100 grams per day.
2. Understand that carbs are the “fuel” for the body and are required for life. Is there any such thing as a “good carb?” Yes, is the simple answer, but carbs that come from sugar can be harmful. Fruit contains sugar; however, it is a “complex” carb and your body gets nutrients from it. Sugar

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