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Weather Dockyard Diet (Daily Mail) As temperatures soar and thousands head off this week to make the most of long, hot summer days, we present 20 ways - from what to eat, wear and how to sleep - to keep you cool in the heatwave.
Dr. Carol Lally Shields Among Six New Directors Who Join Monogram Club Board (CSTV's College Sports) Shields, Barb Mooney, Dan Rahill, Jack Reynolds and Jim Tyler to serve three-year terms through 2008; Katie Neff joins board to 2006, filling spot held previously by current secretary Van Pearcy.
Six New Directors Join Monogram Club Board (Notre Dame Athletics) Dr. Carol Lally Shields, Barb Mooney, Dan Rahill, Jack Reynolds and Jim Tyler to serve three-year terms through 2008; Katie Neff joins board to 2006, filling spot held previously by current secretary Van Pearcy.
After Tsunami, Mothers Want More Children (Sarasota Herald-Tribune) K.M.G. Prinsika, 31, right, and her daughter Pujitha,11, the only surviving child out of three who survived the Asian tsunami, are seen at their house in Matara, about 130 kilometers (81 miles) south of Colombo, Sri Lanka, Tuesday, June 14, 2005. With tsunami scars beginning to heal, some Sri Lankan mothers, including Prinsika, are trying to ease their grief in surgery, requesting their tubal
Friends see a totally different Michael Rosin (Sarasota Herald-Tribune) Dr. Michael Rosin was arrested in April on charges of fraud. SARASOTA -- For senior citizens who've spent a lifetime in the sun, a diagnosis of skin cancer might not be surprising. But it still elicits fear.
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