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A Considerable Town (Los Angeles Weekly) There were far fewer people at the second annual Cosmetic Enhancement Expo than you might imagine, considering that Los Angeles is, after all, the home of the augmented tit and reduced ass.
Perry's plan unveiled (News 8 Austin) Gov. Rick Perry outlined his plan for public school finance on Tuesday.
Perry proposes funding compromise (Valley Morning Star) AUSTIN On the first day of summer school for the Legislature, Gov. Rick Perry proposed a school finance reform package he said represents a middle ground between the House and Senate plans that previously stalled.
Expanded UnitedHealth Wellness Program Helps Businesses Control Costs by Keeping Employees Healthy (Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance) After years of double-digit increases in health care costs, Lanco International achieved the seemingly unfathomable. The Chicagoland crane manufacturer recently lowered its health care spending by about $150,000 without reducing employee benefits.
Telemedicine technology benefits overseas patients (Jakarta Post) The newly-established one-stop medical center Excellence Healthcare (EH), recently invited a group of Indonesian journalists including The Jakarta Post's Rita A. Widiadana to visit its establishment in Singapore.
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