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Weight loss

Compare Affordable Bariatric Surgery in France cost of gastric band surgery Type 2 Diabetes and Weight Loss – Tips to Help You Eat Smart When Dining Out Whether you are on a diet or not, you are going to dine out now and then. Ideally, it will not be too often, because it is better for your health to be cooking the majority of your meals yourself. But considering you will have social events and you will want to eat out on occasion, it is important to know how to do it correctly. Even if you are following a weight loss protocol, it is possible to eat out and not hinder your progress. If you have Type 2 diabetes, you can still eat out without having to ask for a diabetic-friendly meal. But there are some things you must do… 1. Getting up off the couch and taking part in regular physical activity is one of the most important things you can do to ensure you remain healthy. < !13926-20180112013430!> 2. Read the nutrition information. To build on the previous point, you should read the nutrition information for the meals that grab your attention. Nowadays, you are more likely to be able to do this than ever before. Either look up the information on the website or ask for the nutrition menu. Sometimes you will find a breakdown on the main menu itself. 3. Order your meal first. The influence of your peers is not always helpful: this is particularly the case at a restaurant. You will be more likely to stick to your first, healthy choice by ordering first. Otherwise, you might second guess yourself and be more liable to go for your second option. 4. Don’t get distracted. Distraction is the primary reason we overeat in social settings. We get carried away in conversation and forget to pay attention to our food. Sometimes, we do not even fully appreciate our meal, much less recognize how much we are consuming. Take care not to overeat. 5. Be careful with sides. Many times, side options are the main culprit. It is not the chicken bolognese that is the issue – it is the fries. Anything cooked in oil should be avoided most of the time.: this is particularly the case on a diet. Ask for a salad or mixed vegetables as your side when possible. 6. Be wary of appetizers. Appetizers taste great. But the benefits stop there. They are almost always packed with calories. Skip them, and look forward to your meal instead. 7. Drink water. Do not drink soda and do your best to avoid alcohol. They are empty calories. Ask for water – there is no better option. If you do drink alcohol, however, limit yourself to one drink. 8. Give yourself a break. Lastly, the final tip is to give yourself a break. While this runs contrary to everything else on the list, you have to remember you should not be hard on yourself all the time. If you have had a particularly good week when it comes to your diet, give yourself a much-deserved break. Eat what you would like most, as long as you do not go beyond your limits. Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes

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Weight loss

Compare Lowest Price Adjustable Gastric band Surgery overseas price of gastric band Weight loss surgery reduces cancer risk by 33 percent in womenA large retrospective study that focused mainly on women finds that cancer risk is reduced by almost a third after bariatric, or weight loss, surgery.See all stories on this topic Read more… Read more…

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Gastric band Surgery In France Diabetes: New pathway to treatment suggested by protein culprit What is the link between anxiety and diabetes? New research shows that a protein related to the development of anxiety and depression may also play a role in triggering diabetes. Scientists from the Max Planck Institutes hypothesize that an antagonist compound could be used to block its effect. Scientists investigate a new lead in the search for better diabetes treatments. The main known causes for type 2 diabetes so far include obesity and lack of physical exercise – both of which can lead to insulin resistance – as well as a family history of the condition. Insulin resistance occurs when muscles, liver, and fat cells become unable to use insulin appropriately, which ultimately leads to a dangerous rise in blood glucose levels. Now, researchers from the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in Munich, Germany, have found that a protein called FKBP51 may also play a role in triggering type 2 diabetes. The protein has so far been associated with anxiety and depression; it contributes to the regulation of the stress system. When the gene that controls the production of FKBP51 suffers a mutation, this can lead to dysregulation of the stress system, which, in turn, can cause mental health disorders. Mathias Schmidt – lead researcher of the current study – and colleagues have recently noted that the FKBP51 protein also contributes to forming a molecular link between the stress system and the regulation of various metabolic functions. This may make FKBP51 responsible for the onset of metabolic diseases such as obesity and diabetes. The team’s findings have now been published in the journal Nature Communications. Protein reacts to metabolic stress Schmidt and team looked at a mouse model to understand the potential role played by FKBP51 in metabolic processes. They studied the effect of a high-fat diet on mice in which the FKBP51 gene was expressed, as well as on knockout mice, in which that gene was inactivated artificially. They found that the knockout mice did not gain weight after exposure to the diet, had better glucose, or blood sugar, tolerance, and had more effective insulin signaling. This allowed the researchers to understand that the FKBP51 protein – regulated by the gene with the same name – affects signaling pathways in skeletal muscles. Since the protein is sensitive to metabolic stress factors, such as high fat intake, it can ultimately lead to blood sugar buildup and insulin resistance. These are the main factors to blame in the development of type 2 diabetes and obesity. “FKBP51 influences a signaling cascade in muscle tissue, which with excessive calorie intake leads to the development of glucose intolerance, i.e., the key indicator of diabetes type 2.” Mathias Schmidt The cause may lead to the treatment Fortunately, this mechanism has also offered the scientists an insight into how they might be able to prevent FKBP51’s response to the

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Gastric band Surgery In France How can we switch off hunger in the brain? Study sheds light Many of us think that controlling our food cravings and sticking to a diet depend largely on our willpower, but our biology has a different story to tell. Now, new research shows that a complex interplay between calories, digestion hormones, and neurons determines what we eat and when. What happens in our brain when we’re hungry, and is there anything we can do to shut down the feeling? While there may be some eating habits that we can control, our biology determines much of our appetite, and there’s more and more research that confirms this. For instance, at Medical News Today, we have recently reported on a study that identified a class of glial brain cells in our hypothalamus – that is, the appetite-controlling area of our brain – which, when activated by certain nutrients, “tell us” to stop eating. Another recent study found that a hormone called asprosin “turns on” our appetite-stimulating neurons and “turns off” our appetite-suppressing neurons. Now, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia – led by J. Nicholas Betley, an assistant professor in the Department of Biology in the university’s School of Arts and Sciences – delve deeper into the interplay between our gut and our brain. The researchers looked at what it is that triggers our appetite-stimulating neurons, and – more importantly for our weight management efforts – what it is that switches them off. The findings, which were published in the journal Cell Reports, may change how we think about overeating and obesity and may soon lead to wholly new therapies and weight loss strategies. What are AgRP neurons? The so-called agouti-related protein-expressing neurons (AgRP) are neurons in our hypothalamus that become activated when we are hungry. As Betley explains, “When these neurons are firing, they’re basically telling you, ‘You’d better go get food; you’re starving.'” AgRP neurons are “a sensitive alarm system,” Betley says. But, apart from by eating, is there any other way that you can turn the alarm system off? Previous research led by Betley revealed that AgRP neurons deactivate when rodents eat, but interestingly, also when they see or smell the food. In other words, if you’re at a restaurant, feeling hungry, and waiting impatiently for your food – your AgRP neurons would be firing up in an impatient “chatter,” telling you to eat. But, as soon as the waiter brings the food to you and you can see and smell it, these neurons quickly pipe down. For the new study, however, the team wanted to look more closely at the difference between how these neurons are shut down upon eating, and how they are shut down by the mere sight and smell of incoming food. Nutrients switch off AgRP neurons To do so, Betley and team used in vivo calcium imaging – a method that allows the researchers to track the activity of neurons with a high degree of specificity – to study genetically

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Gastric band Surgery In France Kids’ movies promote poor diet and stigmatize obesity As innocent as children’s movies may seem to be, new research investigated whether or not they promote positive attitudes toward healthful food and the issues surrounding obesity. However, the opposite seems to be the case. A new study assesses attitudes to food and obesity in children’s movies. Childhood obesity is a growing problem. Recent studies have discovered that 32 percent of 2-19-year-olds are overweight, and 17 percent are obese. Some estimate that by 2025, around 268 million children aged 5-17 will be overweight, globally. This is a huge public health concern. There are many factors involved in the weight gain we see in children in the United States, and these include parenting style, peer influence, advertising, and the fact that we are more sedentary now than we have ever been. Another factor that has consistently been linked with obesity is screen time. The length of time that a child spends looking at a screen is associated with a greater body mass index (BMI). Screen time, BMI, and movie content The link between screen time and BMI may be due to several factors: advertising; “mindless” eating while watching shows; and because it replaces physical activities. A new study – published in the journal Pediatrics – looks at another possible factor: the way that movies influence perceptions of body image and diet. The study asks how frequently obesity-promoting content and weight-stigmatizing messages appeared in children’s movies. It is not yet clear if or how these types of depictions affect children who view them. But earlier work has shown that exposure to sexual themes and depictions of alcohol consumption in the media impacts adolescent behavior, so it is fair to consider that some kind of influence is plausible. In a previous study, the current research group found that: “tigmatizing and obesity-related content was not only present but also prevalent in the majority of the top children’s movies from 2006 to 2010.” Specifically, they found that children’s movies regularly presented sedentary activities and unhealthful foods as the norm, as well as stigmatized obesity. With a steadily increasing public focus on obesity and a reported rise in discrimination, the new study aims to update the previous findings and see whether anything has changed – be it for better or worse. Watching and rating children’s movies The group identified the top-grossing G- and PG-rated movies from 2012 through to August 2015 and asked more than 100 children (aged 9-11) which movies they had watched. The team analyzed 31 movies. Each film was broken down into 10-minute segments and marked by raters. They logged any incidence of “items, behaviors, or activities shown to be associated with adiposity and weight status in children, such as oversized portions, drinking sugar-sweetened beverages, and eating while watching screens.” They also looked out for negative portrayals

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Gastric band Surgery In France A high-fat diet without the weight gain? Study says it’s possible When it comes to gaining weight, a high-fat diet is a key culprit. New research, however, suggests that there may one day be a way to avoid piling on the pounds as a result of eating fatty foods. Researchers were able to prevent weight gain in mice fed a high-fat diet. In a newly published study, researchers reveal how activating a specific protein pathway can prevent the growth of fat cells in mice in response to a high-fat diet. Senior study investigator Fanxin Long, Ph.D. – who works in the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, MO – and colleagues say that their findings could bring us closer to a new treatment strategy for obesity, which is, at present, thought to affect more than a third of adults in the United States. The researchers recently reported their results in the journal eLife. Weight gain is most commonly caused by an energy imbalance, wherein the intake of calories is higher than the number of calories burned. Over time, an energy imbalance causes the body to store fat. This can lead to weight gain and obesity – which is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancer. Foods high in fat, particularly saturated fats, are thought to be a main driver of obesity, especially when consumed in large amounts. But Long and colleagues suggest that there could be a way to prevent weight gain induced by a high-fat diet. Hedgehog signaling and fat cells For their study, the team focused on the Hedgehog signaling pathway, which is a complex network of proteins that play a role in various developmental processes. Previous research in mouse models has shown that the Hedgehog signaling pathway can also inhibit adipogenesis, or the formation of fat cells. According to Long and his team, the majority of studies have looked at the effects of Hedgehog signaling on adipogenesis during embryonic development, so it has been unclear as to whether activating this pathway in adulthood influences fat cell formation. To find out, the researchers engineered adult mice to possess genes that activated the Hedgehog signaling in response to a high-fat diet. These rodents were fed a high-fat diet for a total of 8 weeks. While a control group of mice – whose Hedgehog signaling pathways were not activated when they ate fatty foods – became obese after 8 weeks of a high-fat diet, the genetically engineered mice gained no more weight than control mice that consumed standard chow. “More importantly,” notes Long, “when we did metabolic studies, we found that the animals with the active Hedgehog pathway not only were leaner, they also had lower blood glucose levels and were more sensitive to insulin.” A new way to fight obesity? The researchers explain that by activating the Hedgehog signaling pathway in the rodents upon consumption of a high-fat diet, they were able to reduce the size of fat cells. “Fat gain is due

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Gastric band Surgery In France What are the possible benefits of MCT oil? Medium-chain triglycerides are a type of fat that is found in certain oils and dairy products. MCT oil is a supplement made of these fats. But what are the potential health benefits of MCT oil?Many articles in circulation recommend the use of MCT oil. They claim that it can help people lose weight and that it has several other benefits. This article explores the health benefits of MCT oil, as supported by scientific evidence. It also considers the risks around the use of MCT oil, as well as where to source it and how it can be used. Overview MCT oil can be derived from coconuts, and is often used to aid weight loss or improve stamina. MCT oil is a dietary supplement that is made up of MCT fats, which are fats that can be found in coconut oil, palm kernel oil, and dairy products. MCT oil is mainly used by people looking to lose weight, or boost their endurance during a workout. Some supporters of MCT oil also claim it can improve the ability to think, as well as help with various forms of dementia. What are MCTs and why are they different from other fats? Fats are made up of chains of carbon atoms, and most of the fats in a person’s diet are made up of 13 to 21 of these atoms. These are called long-chain fatty acids. In contrast, short-chain fatty acids are made up of 6 or fewer carbon atoms. MCTs refers to medium-chain triglycerides that sit in the middle of the other two types. They are of medium length and made up of 6 to 12 carbon atoms. MCTs are found in coconut oil and are processed by the body in a different way to long-chain fatty acids. Unlike other fats, they go straight from the gut to the liver. From here, they are used as a source of energy or turned into ketones. Ketones are substances produced when the liver breaks down a lot of fat, and they can be used by the brain for energy instead of glucose or sugar. As the calories in MCTs are used straightaway, they are less likely to be stored as fat. This principle is the basis of the ketogenic diet, which many people believe is an effective way to lose weight. Potential health benefits of MCT oil There are several potential health benefits of MCT oil. Some of these are supported by scientific evidence, while others are yet to be proven. Each potential benefit and its available evidence is explored below: 1. Better brain and memory function The Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation have reported the pros and cons of MCTs in respect of brain and memory function, as well as their potential benefits for those with Alzheimer’s disease. But to what extent are the claims surrounding MCTs backed up by scientific evidence? A 2016 review notes that in three studies, the brain’s take-up of ketones in people with Alzheimer’s was the same as in healthy people. In contrast, the brain’s take-up of glucose was poorer in those with Alzheimer’s than healthy people. The reviewers also note that ketosis has a slight beneficial

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Gastric band Surgery In France Your DNA may dictate which diet works for you Despite dietary guidelines, public awareness campaigns, and people’s genuine efforts to lose weight, the obesity epidemic doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. Why is that? Researchers at Texas A&M University in College Station may have found the answer. Different diets may be appropriate for different people, based on their genetic predisposition, sugggests the new study. Whether or not a diet will work may be “written” in our genes. That’s the main takeaway of an elaborate study recently published in the journal Genetics. David Threadgill, Ph.D., of the Texas A&M College of Medicine and College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, is the senior investigator, and William T. Barrington is the first author of the new paper. Threadgill and his team started out from the observation that, despite national dietary guidelines, the number of Americans living with metabolic syndrome – an umbrella term for a group of cardiometabolic risk factors – has soared. In Threadgill’s opinion, this occurs because dietary guidelines are built on the false premise that one size fits all. “Dietary advice, whether it comes from the United States government or some other organization, tends to be based on the theory that there is going to be one diet that will help everyone,” he says. “In the face of the obesity epidemic,” he continues, “it seems like guidelines haven’t been effective.” Threadgill and his team hypothesized that genetic differences might influence how someone responds to a diet. The researchers tested this hypothesis in mice, which, as the authors explain in their paper, are similar to humans in genetic makeup, as well as in their predisposition to develop cardiometabolic illnesses, such as heart disease and diabetes. Different diets for genetically distinct mice To test their hypothesis, the researchers designed four genetically different strains of mice, to which they fed four different diets. The diets were designed so that they were the equivalent of four historically popular human diets: the American/Western diet, the Mediterranean diet, the Japanese diet, and the Maasai/ketogenic diet. The American diet was high in fats and refined carbs, the Mediterranean one was higher in fiber and included red wine extract, the Japanese diet consisted of rice and green tea extract, and the ketogenic diet was high in fat and protein but consisted of very few carbs. “We matched fiber content and matched bioactive compounds thought to be important in disease,” Barrington explains, in order to get the rodents’ diets to be as similar as possible to the human ones. The mice were also fed a control diet consisting of standard chow. The researchers monitored the mice’s cardiometabolic health, measuring their blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol levels, and looking out for signs of a fatty liver. Levels of physical activity were also monitored, as well as the rodents’ appetite and

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Gastric band Surgery In France How can our health benefit from colder temperatures? Winter’s here now, temperatures are dropping, and chances are that it’ll get even colder. All that most of us want to do is cozy up indoors with a mug of hot tea and a heartwarming movie, but do cold temperatures bring us any health benefits? If so, what are they? We investigate. Can the cold temperatures of winter do us any good? I don’t know about you, but I’m definitely what you might rather unscientifically refer to as a “summer person.” I thrive in hot weather, love wearing light clothes, and cherish the long, sunny days that make me feel productive. But in winter, I always complain about the cold, bundle up under five different layers of clothing, and grumpily wait it out until temperatures rise again. But am I wrong in being so dismissive of this season and the low temperatures it brings? Research has suggested that cool temperatures could bring a range of health benefits, and that we shouldn’t always shun exposure to cold. In this article, we give you an overview of some of these reported benefits. The cold can boost sleep quality Our bodies follow a circadian rhythm that self-regulates eating, sleeping, and activity patterns according to day-night cycles, thereby allowing us to function normally. Researchers have found that a dysregulation of circadian rhythms can lead to a disrupted sleep, which, in turn, can lead to a number of health problems. Studies that were recently covered by Medical News Today have found that insomnia and other sleep disorders can impair our perception and cognitive function and heighten the risk of kidney disease and diabetes. Research has revealed that, when we fall asleep, our body temperature begins to drop. Insomniacs, however, seem unable to regulate body heat appropriately, leading to difficulties in falling asleep. This is where external temperatures come in. One study experimented with “cooling caps” – that is, headwear that keeps the sleeper’s head at cooler temperatures – and found that insomniacs benefited from the exposure, which allowed them to enjoy a better night’s sleep. Current sleep guidelines – supported by existing research – suggest that the ideal temperature in our bedrooms as we prepare to go to sleep should be somewhere between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit (around 15.5 to 19 degrees Celsius). The bottom line is that you shouldn’t be freezing cold, of course – that won’t really help your sleep – but moderately cool environments might do the trick. It gives you an appetite A study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition seems to support the age-old claim that our appetite increases in winter, as the temperatures drop fast. “he present study revealed that small seasonal variations of daily caloric intake, diet composition, physical activity, and body weight are in fact present in normal individuals in the United States,” the authors conclude. Another experiment carried out in pigs, which

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Weight loss

Compare cost of Gastric Band Surgery overseas Best Price gastric bypass surgery 6 Benefits of the Paleo DietThe Paleo diet is mostly easy to follow and promotes the eating of healthier foods. The diet offers plenty of benefits with many followers starting to notice more energy within a relatively short period, and with the combination of exercise, a leaner physique and a loss in weight.See all stories on this topic Read more… Read more…

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