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bariatric surgery

Weight Loss

Compare Price of Gastric Band Surgery Abroad and gastric sleeve surgery in France
Developing an Awareness on the Importance of Good Diet for Well Being
Obesity prevalence is a national concern. About 30% of the population is considered to meet the criteria for obesity (Yanovski, & Yanoski, 2011). This number keeps increasing, and the medical and psychological implication is worrisome. Some of the diseases associated with obesity are cardiovascular disease, sleep disorder, reflux disease, stress incontinence, and much more (Dornelas, 2008). These diseases are the disturbing part of obesity.
Many scholars have speculated the cause of obesity, as some researchers believe it has genetic origin, as well as environmental. The genetic origin deals with lack of fat receptors in the body, which slows the metabolism of fat. The environmental aspect deals with the type of diet individuals consume, and lack of physical activities. The environmental way to deal with this genetic defect is to

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