Weight Loss Surgery in France Please take part or share this important research exploring the psychology of weight gain and obesity! Are you overweight or obese? Are you over the age of 18 and currently living in the UK? If so, please take part in an online study to tell us about your psychological experiences! We hope that learning about people’s experiences will help us find new ways to support people to manage their weight in the future. The study involves completing an online questionnaire that takes 20-25 minutes. There is also a chance to win £10, £15 or £20 of Amazon vouchers! Click here to find out more information: Click Here to complete the Survey To discuss taking part please contact the researcher Esme Banting (Trainee Clinical Psychologist) directly: Tel: 07751 585 942 *This study has full approval from NHS West of Scotland REC 5 For FREE No Obligation Information about the cost Gastric Sleeve Surgery in France Click here gastric sleeve surgery in France | Affordable gastric sleeve surgery abroad | best price for gastric sleeve surgery | cost of gastric sleeve Read more…